Monday, December 30, 2013

It's TIME for YOU!

Let's save you MONEY & be ready for
Spring Shows!  Sales AT 1tda DOT com
Now that Christmas is past, it's time to work on YOUR present... your Winter Project!  As we all know, "Custom is BUILT, not bought," & that takes time!  So, in preparation for the Spring Show Season right around the corner, let us help you SAVE MONEY & get your truck or car 'RIGHT!'

Find your parts in the Photo Albums on & contact us to get these very high-quality parts on their way to you!  You won't find higher quality parts anywhere else, at any price!

Tuesday, December 24, 2013

It's a Christmas Miracle!!!

It's true!  It's a Christmas Miracle!!!  As long as you are around others, whether you know them or not, Christmas Calories don't count!  Eat & enjoy!  Then afterward, if you still have some pesky, pre-Christmas pounds you want gone, we can work on those with you, All-Naturally!

Be patient in your safe travels!!!
Your loved ones want you around NEXT Christmas!
It's a Christmas Miracle!
Sales AT 1tda DOT com

Wednesday, December 18, 2013

We are all in this TOGETHER!

Sales AT 1tda DOT com
Happy Wednesday!  Sheeesh!!  I can't believe Christmas is NEXT WEDNESDAY!!!  I know it's tough times for so many people, so don't worry about giving & receiving gifts (or so many).  Enjoy the season for all of the love around you from your family & friends.  Spread good will & happy feelings even to strangers... SMILE (with teeth) & say, "Hello," or "Hey" if you're in the South.  We are in this thing called 'Life' TOGETHER... don't forget that, because THAT is how we WILL survive & THRIVE!

Friday, December 13, 2013

Save Dough HERE & NOW!

Save Dough!  Sales AT 1tda DOT com
'Tis the season to spend and eat too much dough!  Well, we can help you save some dough on parts you want & need for your awesome truck or car!

Heck, I can even help you from eating too much dough, too!  I also work with all-natural Health & Wellness products to do JUST THAT!!!

Monday, December 9, 2013

Rest in peace, Paul Orberson!

Rest in peace, Paul Orberson!  Thank you so much for opening my eyes to a new-to-me way of business, giving me the ability to help so many people.  It was my honor knowing you.  I will see you again someday.  You cannot be forgotten.

Saturday, December 7, 2013

There is still time before Christmas!!!

Ho, Ho, Ho, let's GO!!!
Sales AT 1tda DOT com
Let us help you get your custom parts ordered NOW so you can have them by Christmas!  Whether they are presents for someone on your Christmas List, OR they're presents for YOU!